in service of Life, open to the Mystery

To start a therapeutic process is to choose the path of change and growth. Emotional insight and body awareness are the foundations from which we can create a more grounded and fulfilled life. In our sessions, we will work with touch, breath and energy flow. Through intuitive movement and embodied expression of emotions, I will support you in your journey of self discovery.
Sessions may be in English, Spanish or Portuguese

Committed relationships and intimate connections are challenging journeys where deep rooted fears and negativity surface and get acted out. In our sessions, we encourage couples to go deeper within themselves while staying truthful and vulnerable to their partner.
Click to watch the dance performance
created by my colleague
Sophie de Lacaze and I

To be part of a Process Work Group is to challenge yourself to stay open and vulnerable in the presence of others. It also means to support others, meeting them in their own struggles and personal issues. Individual and Collective wounds can be expressed and integrated in a supportive and unified field created by the group.